Modern Dance is an ever evolving style of expression.
Modern dance draws from a variety of sources, such as ballet, folk dances, and social dances. It has been redefined multiple times since it was initially founded.
Our Modern classes are a fusion of many styles- including Bartenieff Fundamentals (developed by Irmgard Bartenieff), floor work, and improvisation.
We offer multiple classes of varying difficulty.
Modern Dress Code:
For Female Students:
• Solid colored leotard
• Convertible/Footless tights in pink or tan
For Male Students:
•White shirt
•Black pants
Proper dance attire is important in enhancing a productive learning environment in dance class. Students feel more like dancers, and are less distracted, when they are dressed appropriately. Please adhere to the dress code as described. Hair in a braid or secured to head. Students should enter the studio in their dancewear. No street clothes or shoes are allowed in the studio. Only proper dance warm-ups (leg-warmers, dance sweaters, etc.) should be worn. No jewelry for class except post earrings, please.