Hip Hop
Hip Hop can be one specific style or a general blend of many.
We focus on a Jazz Funk core, intricate footwork, physical fitness, and the freedom of dance expression called freestyle.
We also introduce popping, locking, tutting, waving, and shuffling.
We offer a variety of Hip Hop Classes at multiple skill levels.
Hip Hop Dress Code:
For Female Students
• Leggings and tank top or t-shirt
• Sneakers (Studio dedicated, non-marking soles)
For Male Students:
• Shorts or sweatpants and t-shirt
• Sneakers (Studio dedicated, non-marking soles)
Proper dance attire is important in enhancing a productive learning environment in dance class. Students feel more like dancers, and are less distracted, when they are dressed appropriately. Please adhere to the dress code as described. Hair in a bun, braid, or secured to the head (no loose pony tails). Students should enter the studio in their dancewear. No street clothes or shoes are allowed in the studio. Only proper dance warm-ups (leg-warmers, dance sweaters, etc.) should be worn. No jewelry for class except post earrings, please.